"[O]n the whole the impacts of climate change on small islands will have serious negative effects..."
~ IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
Small islands have been among the most outspoken advocates for ambitious international action on climate change. However, navigating the complexity of the international climate change negotiations can be extremely difficult for countries with small delegations and limited resources. Since 2009, Islands First has been building the capacity of small island delegations so that they can more actively and effectively participate in the climate change negotiations and advocate for strong international action.
For the past three years, Islands First has been the primary support organization for the Chair of AOSIS, a coalition of 44 low-lying island and coastal nations that are extremely vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change. AOSIS has been a consistent proponent of ambitious international cooperation to effectively address climate change, and was instrumental in the creation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol.
AOSIS has recently had several notable achievements, which includes securing the adoption of amendments to the Kyoto Protocol, thereby extending through 2020 the commitments of developed countries to reduce their emissions, and the establishment of the Warsaw International Mechanism to help vulnerable countries deal with unavoidable loss and damage due to climate change.
One of the most exciting developments has been the launch of the Workplan on Enhancing Pre-2020 Mitigation Ambition, also known as Workstream 2 (WS2). Championed by AOSIS, WS2 has introduced a new, solutions-centered approach to the climate talks, which has been applauded by all countries and is already driving a much more collaborative discourse. Islands First has been instrumental in developing this new process and building consensus around it.
2015 will be a critical year. A new global climate change agreement will be adopted in December, and WS2 will also need to be further strengthened. The voice of small islands has never been more important, and Islands First will make sure that it is heard.
If you believe international cooperation to preserve a safe climate is essential for all of us, then please consider making a tax deductible donation to Islands First.